High Beta: The beta of a stock measures its volatility in comparison to the overall market.Some of the characteristics of highly volatile stocks include: These can move up or down quickly, making them attractive to trade VIX for short-term price movements. This volatility can be affected by a range of factors, such as company news, industry trends, and macroeconomic conditions. Volatile stocks are those that experience significant price fluctuations over a short period of time. Benefits of Investing in India VIX Volatile Stocks.What is the Relation of India VIX and Nifty?.What are the Applications of India VIX in the Indian Market?.If the smallcase is less than 1 year old –.If the smallcase is more than 1 year old –.
How is Volatility Calculated on smallcases?.What Elements are Considered While Calculating the India VIX or the Volatility Index?.